honey farm Tasmania

Our farm is home to over 300 bee hives, kindly tended to by “Pop”. He is passionate about delivering honey the way nature intended it to be. We only sieve the honey twice before pouring it directly into pots.

sizes and pricing

Currently we sell 500gm pots for $13 and 1kg pots for $20 all available to purchase everyday from our roadside stall located at 919 Cressy Road, 7301 Longford, Tasmania.

a treat for guests

All guests staying at Cressy House and Chatsworth can enjoy a taste of our honey throughout the duration of stay. You’ll find a tub in the kitchen at both properties for guests to use.

  • At our roadside stall you’ll find: Clover, Canola, Leatherwood and Mixed Bush varieties of honey to enjoy.

    We also occasionally offer Kunzea Honey, which has additional healing benefits.

  • Currently we only sell our honey through our roadside stall in Longford or private sales. Contact us for more information.